
EVE chat Codes

EVE Online Chat Codes based off of 10 code The difference between Victory and Defeat Mandatory Response Codes(MRC) Anything signified as "code #" is a priority 1 response It means drop what you are doing and bring aid These codes should not be used and unless entire alliances or corps are being pulled in. Better known as "mandatory response codes"(MRC) (MRC) code 0 war dec (corp/alliance) code 1 (location) station under attack code 2 (location) fleet under attack Status Codes(SC) ___________________________________ HIGH MID LOW Multi-Call(MC) More that one situation happening at a time can be given call numbers to better organize (MC) ___________________________________ call-? Code | Variable | Meaning of Code ___________________________________ e-0 (location) emergency send fleet e-1 (location) send backup e-2 (clone) bounty placed e-3 (clone) place a bounty e-4 confirmed e-5 (location) fleet assembled